Saturday, June 16, 2012


Okay. So boredom kills. Cant' you tell? Anyway I completed another DIY this weekend and I Just wanted to share it with you guys. I thrifted this Obey hat from the Buffalo Exchange near my house and decided to spike it up to give it a different look. So after a lot of hot gluing and bending and sticking I'm finally done. Hope you guys enjoy !

Have a great day guys !!!

Smooches !

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

DIY: African Print Shorts & Bangles

This summer it's all about doing it yourself. From shorts to shoes to hats to jewelry, DIY is now in. I mean it's always been a do for me, but more people are catching on to the wave. I've had a couple of projects lined up for the summer in my DIY itinerary and I proudly bring you the first. I am a fan of incorporating African fabric into my home projects and these shorts as well as bangles I created are the first of many.

Items used:
-pair of shorts
-african fabric or fabric of your choice
-glue gun
-fabric glue
-sewing kit or sewing machine - which ever's easier for you
-wooden bangles

The key to achieving this look is sewing the fabric onto the shorts. Using a glue gun or fabric glue to apply the fabric will not give you a long lasting result. In other woods, once you throw the shorts in the washer, the fabric will come right up.

I will be selling these shorts like these with other prints on my Etsy shop soon so I can't wait ! You can also email me if interested !

Smooches !!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

heART & Soul Poetry Event

This weekend I had the chance to check out this poetry/open mic event that took place in Houston. After moving from the NJ/NY area, I've missed going to poetry slams, open mic's and such things of the nature, so I was very excited. The event took place in a little cozy coffee shop around the downtown area. Even though I was late, I was able to catch two performances and they were well worth the $10 I paid lol. I was happy when I found out that they actually host this event once a month. I will definitely watch out for this event this coming July.

heArt & Soul webpage
Check out photos below for what I wore to the event.

Smooches !!!