Monday, January 2, 2012

NYE Fashion Resolutions

I stopped doing NYE resolutions a long time ago. Like really. We all say 'this year is gonna be different", "I'm gonna do this", "I'm gonna do that". And then two weeks later we revert back to way we were before. So this year I decided I'm going to work on updating my wardrobe and making it more me. I have a great closet don't get me wrong, but with all things, it can always be better. I want to look fab but not break my bank account  (law school student woes). These fashion resolutions will be fun to keep and I know with a little digging, my wardrobe for Spring/Summer 2012 will HAUTE!

NYE Fashion Resolutions

1.  Add more patterns - Patterns are a nice way to spice up your wardrobe and it shows your versatility when it comes to style.
2. Signature pieces- What's going to make me stand out from the crowd this year. Signature pieces. I mean pieces that are timeless and will take my outfit to the next level.
3. Bold pieces of jewelry- I have a few statement jewelry but not enough. So yes that is my goal. Bold em up!
4. Thrift, Thrift, Thrift- Being a law school student and not being able to work has really taken its toll on my bank account. So I plan to thrift as much as possible and only hit the malls when I need key items like jeans or things you just can't thrift lol.
5. Versatility with my Hair- Being 100% natural I haven't fully unlocked the potential of my hair. My hair is an extension of my personality and I really want to bring it out this year.

These are all I could think of that I really wanted to work on and I think that's just about right!
Stay tuned to my journey as I update you guys about my search !

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