Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Let's Talk Natural Hair

Hair. Permed Hair. Straight Hair. Kinky Hair. Fine Hair. Coarse Hair. Curly Hair. Natural Hair. Hair is hair. Or is it ? Every year I reach a point in my life where I feel like doing something, extreme, different, far from average. July 2012 I had one of those moments. I big chopped my hair again for the second time. Why? Because I can. Well ok. Because I had been natural for a couple of years and although my hair was long (middle of back) & full, I feel as though I had robbed myself of really enjoying the natural hair girl experience the first time I big chopped. So I wanted to do it the second time and do it right. Im really not sure if there really is a right way to go natural but there were some things I wanted to experience like really experimenting with my tea (teeny weeny afro), following up with my homemade concoctions and really just enjoying the journey.

So here I am, a year and a couple of months later with a 26 inch brazilian weave in my head itching to play around with my REAL hair. Ive been wearing protective hairstyles off and on for more than 10 months now and I'm missing my hair. Im just weird like that. I love when my hair is braided, weaved up or twisted up but then I look at pictures with people wearing their curly fro's and experimenting with new products and I start getting the bug. Hence the reason for this post.

As I'm getting ready to take down my hair in about two weeks I already started doing my research on the hairstyles I was gonna try out again, products I was going to use, my updated hair regime and etc.

My Hair Now:

I thought cutting my hair, my actual hair pattern would change, idk why I though that, but it didn't lol. My hair for the most part grew up straight, but when it got back to that twa stage. My hair pattern kicked back in. Or should I say hair patterns because I have three -_-. My hair is beautifully curly in the back (smiles), tightly coiled in the middle/crown of my head and loose in the front. Like so loose it can be mistake for straight. Of all the patterns, the front is most hardest for me to deal with because it does what it wants when it wants. Im still thinking of a master plan to tame those wild roots. As of now I haven't noticed any split ends or knots, which is what I was dealing with before I cut all my hair off. So, so far so good. I plan on dusting the tips of my hair when I take it out because I think it's time for a trim. I think it's important to remember that in order to have growth retention, one must remember that the actual hair that's growing is healthy hair. Split ends cannot be repaired and will not go away unless those ends are cut off and the ends of the hair strands are moisturized. #ends rant.

What Next:

After my take out, I plan to do a henna treatment, incorporate herbal tea rinses in my hair care routine as well as clay treatments and experimenting with an ayurvedic routine. Im not sure how long I'll be rocking my natural hair out, but I have to start somewhere right. Ill be posting an updated/actual hair care routine on here soon so you guys know what I am putting in my hair and how I'm taking care of it.

Here are a few pictures from my take out about two months ago

Hair journey: One year and 2 months after my big chop.

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