Friday, November 2, 2012

Nas X Lauryn Hill Concert

On Halloween night I had the chance to go to the Nas & Lauryn Hill concert that was at Bayou Place in Houston Texas as a pre-birthday gift. The concert was great. Jhene Aiko was the opening act, followed by Nas who did his thing on stage. Im not really a Nas fan but I did enjoy his set. Some of my favorites he performed were off his "Life is Good" album which dropped earlier this year, were "Bye Baby", "Cherry Wine", and "Daughters". He finally ended his bomb set with "One Mic", which happens to be my favorite song from him. After his set, we had to wait like what seemed like forever for Lauryn to grace us with her presence on stage. I really enjoyed her set although it seemed like she rushed some of the songs she sang and I would've enjoyed some of her songs to be original instead of straight live with the band and all the hoorah. Lauryn Hill also debuted her new spoken word song, "Black Rage" which was beautiful. I'm pretty sure you guys will hear it soon if you haven't already. Overall I had a fun time with my girls and wish I would've had time to take a lot more pictures. But enjoy the ones I did manage to take !

p.s. I loveeddddddd Lauryn's outfit. Will be recreating it soon as a DIY project ! :)

My emergency outfit, but it worked out :) 

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Okay. So boredom kills. Cant' you tell? Anyway I completed another DIY this weekend and I Just wanted to share it with you guys. I thrifted this Obey hat from the Buffalo Exchange near my house and decided to spike it up to give it a different look. So after a lot of hot gluing and bending and sticking I'm finally done. Hope you guys enjoy !

Have a great day guys !!!

Smooches !

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

DIY: African Print Shorts & Bangles

This summer it's all about doing it yourself. From shorts to shoes to hats to jewelry, DIY is now in. I mean it's always been a do for me, but more people are catching on to the wave. I've had a couple of projects lined up for the summer in my DIY itinerary and I proudly bring you the first. I am a fan of incorporating African fabric into my home projects and these shorts as well as bangles I created are the first of many.

Items used:
-pair of shorts
-african fabric or fabric of your choice
-glue gun
-fabric glue
-sewing kit or sewing machine - which ever's easier for you
-wooden bangles

The key to achieving this look is sewing the fabric onto the shorts. Using a glue gun or fabric glue to apply the fabric will not give you a long lasting result. In other woods, once you throw the shorts in the washer, the fabric will come right up.

I will be selling these shorts like these with other prints on my Etsy shop soon so I can't wait ! You can also email me if interested !

Smooches !!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

heART & Soul Poetry Event

This weekend I had the chance to check out this poetry/open mic event that took place in Houston. After moving from the NJ/NY area, I've missed going to poetry slams, open mic's and such things of the nature, so I was very excited. The event took place in a little cozy coffee shop around the downtown area. Even though I was late, I was able to catch two performances and they were well worth the $10 I paid lol. I was happy when I found out that they actually host this event once a month. I will definitely watch out for this event this coming July.

heArt & Soul webpage
Check out photos below for what I wore to the event.

Smooches !!!

Monday, January 2, 2012

NYE Fashion Resolutions

I stopped doing NYE resolutions a long time ago. Like really. We all say 'this year is gonna be different", "I'm gonna do this", "I'm gonna do that". And then two weeks later we revert back to way we were before. So this year I decided I'm going to work on updating my wardrobe and making it more me. I have a great closet don't get me wrong, but with all things, it can always be better. I want to look fab but not break my bank account  (law school student woes). These fashion resolutions will be fun to keep and I know with a little digging, my wardrobe for Spring/Summer 2012 will HAUTE!

NYE Fashion Resolutions

1.  Add more patterns - Patterns are a nice way to spice up your wardrobe and it shows your versatility when it comes to style.
2. Signature pieces- What's going to make me stand out from the crowd this year. Signature pieces. I mean pieces that are timeless and will take my outfit to the next level.
3. Bold pieces of jewelry- I have a few statement jewelry but not enough. So yes that is my goal. Bold em up!
4. Thrift, Thrift, Thrift- Being a law school student and not being able to work has really taken its toll on my bank account. So I plan to thrift as much as possible and only hit the malls when I need key items like jeans or things you just can't thrift lol.
5. Versatility with my Hair- Being 100% natural I haven't fully unlocked the potential of my hair. My hair is an extension of my personality and I really want to bring it out this year.

These are all I could think of that I really wanted to work on and I think that's just about right!
Stay tuned to my journey as I update you guys about my search !

Sunday, January 1, 2012

'Tis the Season to be Thrifty !

Ok. So I don't know if the title is still appropriate but I like the way it sounds so I'm keeping it. Anyways, I went thrifting about two weeks with my mom in McKinney and Plano, Texas and came across some fantastic finds. Every time I go thrifting I'm always grabbing blazers so I decided to switch it up this time. I was really looking for big grandpa sweaters alongside with nice silky ( i use this term loosely) button up shirts that would look good with high waisted jeans. I came across all these and more. From sweaters to skirts to blazers and blouses my shopping cart was full. All the while as I'm piling more and more finds into the cart, my mom is looking at me crazy and I'm reassuring her that I need all these and more. As we make our way to the register I'm silently praying to God that my purchases don't go over $100 lol.

Long story short, all my items came out to be around $65 with some items half off and nothing in my basket costing more than $5. Till date, I think this is my best thrift purchase haul to date and hopefully with more experience I'll be able to pick out more signature pieces that will make my wardrobe pop.

Take a look at the items i thrifted below!

my favorite blouse from this haul !

This blazer is from the Armani Collection <'s even written in Italian so you know it's authentic !